Monday, February 22, 2016

 UK Prime Minister Mother and Aunt against government benefits cuts

The benefits cutting plans of David Cameron government, has come under hummer, as the prime minister mother among the signees.

David Cameron mother, Marry Fleur Cameron and a former magistrate 81, is one of 10,000 people signed the petition against the cut to his own prime minister's county council.

According to report, David Cameron mother, who her name was seen on petition letter, refused to discuss further why she decided to signees against his son government, "My name is on the petition, but I don't want to discuss this further". It believed Mrs Cameron signed the petition while she was visiting her son.

The day after Mrs Cameron signed the petition, David Cameron Aunt, Clare Currie who lived in Oxford urged the prime minister government to focus on helping poor "I think these services, which the county council says it can no longer afford arevital for people's wellbeing. I think if they are cut an awful to of familiesand old people and homeless... these people's lives will diminished."

The signing of petition from the prime minister own county council and his Aunt request for the government not to cut the benefits money, are the results of the leaked latter to media on November last year, of which revealed prime minister Cameron chastising Ian Hudspeth, the council leader to consider cutting to the elderly day centre, libraries and museums.

Under the new government benefits cutting planned, more than 100,000 of unemployed householders will be homeless and approximately 40,000 children will be living on poverty situations, as the office of the Chancellor of exchequer planned to collects around £300m cash in the financial year of 2017/18.

The benefits cutting were introduced by the coalition government in April 2013 and since then, the heat waves of benefits cutting have shaded the UK people's minds, as the majorities of the country population are depending the benefits to drives their daily lives.

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